Tuesday, September 9, 2008

project 1 pre-production

pre-production package

a. mom - save her son from eternal damnation by converting him back to catholicism
son - at least get the mother to accept his differences, but possibly make her realize that religion is dumb (long term goal)

b. the mom is brainwashed beyond all reason

c. debate

d. logic and reasoning from the son; guilt, fear and threats from the mother

e. shift from civilized argument to insults and personal attacks

f. mother-son bonding time?

a. 2 - one actual and one voice only
b. 3 scenes total. four to five minutes total
c. 1 location - in the son's apartment
most shot in bedroom, but some walking back and forth is done, to and from kitchen
d. recording of phone call
e. none
f. phone, sandwich, apple, glass of water

3) location shots (subject to change)

4 & 5 are on paper

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